A research article is written to introduce our research to the world. Some points are written in every research article: Abstract, Introduction, Research Objectives, Significance, Problem/ Research Statement, Delimitation, Literature Review, Research Gap, Methodology, Framework, Theory, Model, Sample size, Data analysis, Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendations.

Research Topic
Your main subject/ program (English, Urdu, Math, Bio. etc) is your domain and the topics or sub-subjects in your domain are subdomains. Firstly, you have to choose your subdomain or you have to check yourself in which subdomain you can conduct research in a better way. After selecting the subdomain, you can go through the subdomain's relevant topics such as the theories and theorists in that subdomain, and books related to that particular subdomain. For example, you have selected a subdomain “stylistics”. So, you are going to research this subdomain so you should know everything about stylistics as who is the founder of this subdomain and what kind of works have done in this category, and all about the theories and the theorists of this particular subdomain.
Secondly, select a theory or model that will help you to conduct your research.
Thirdly, go to google scholar (https://scholar.google.com) and search the articles related to your selected main category/ subject or program like (English), (English as a second language), (English as a foreign language), (English language acquisition), (English language learning), etc.
Search the articles related to your subdomain as (stylistics), (stylistic analysis), (styles in fiction), (styles in poetry), (style of different writers), (different kinds of styles), etc.
Search the articles related to your theory.
You should have downloaded almost 30 research articles related to your research area. The next step is to make a word file having all the topics of the downloaded articles. Now, you can make your topic with the help of 30 topics in front of you. (Your topic should be a phrase there should be no verb in the topic.)
Writing a Research Article
After making your topic you can categorize your downloaded articles. Separate a minimum of 15 articles related to your research topic.
The next step is to read out the articles. The best way is to read an article that read the abstract of the article and underline the objectives, methodology, and conclusion. After underlining these three items you should read the abstract again. I hope, you will understand the article otherwise read the complete article and try to understand what is the purpose to conduct that particular research and how the researcher achieved his/ her purpose.
After understanding the research articles, you can start writing your research article. You should first write the introduction in your introduction you will introduce your topic and will write the introduction related to the keywords of your topic. Must write the in-text citation. You can write your objectives as you will be very clear about your objectives by making your research topic.
Otherwise, to make your objectives, you should again make a word file having the following data of the separated articles:
Research Article 01
Methodology: Theory, Model, etc.
Research Article 02
Methodology: Theory, Model, etc.
Research Article (Last)
Methodology: Theory, Model, etc.
Now, you have the complete data related to your research and you can easily develop your research objectives. Also, write the research statement/ problem and the significance of your research. You should delimit your research as the subdomain will also be a broader term so you can write here what will you do and what is out of your research and what is your area of research and which is out of your premises etc.
The next step is to write a literature review. Literature review writing is very easy if we write the in-text-citations. Otherwise, it can be a difficult one. The best way to write a literature review is that read your downloaded 1st article and write the crux of that article in a paragraph at the end of the paragraph write the names of the authors of that article with the article's published a year (the names and year will be according to the writing style which is asked you to follow as APA, Chicago, etc). Same as reading the 2nd article and writing down a paragraph in your own words by telling the objectives, method, conclusion, etc, and the in-text citation as well. In this way, you can easily write a good literature review for your article.
The next step is to write the methodology and framework. Write a brief paragraph on your research methodology as what kind of research is going to be done (qualitative or quantitative), what is the nature of the study as descriptive, exploratory, pure, etc. Also, write about the theory/ model that is going to be applied in this research. Write your population, sample size, and sampling technique as well. Also, write a paragraph on the research plan in which you will write how will you do your research or how was the research conducted by you.
The next step is to write data analysis and discussion. In this chapter, you will discuss your data in detail and your results will also be discussed in detail. In the findings section, you will write the findings of your results and the attitude of your sample while conducting the research or obtaining data or observation, etc.
The conclusion will be written according to the findings and the recommendations will be written as the remedy or solution to the problems.
The references will be written at the end of the research article by following the formatting style.
More information regarding the headings:
Write 2 to 3 paragraphs by introducing your research topic keywords.
Problem Statement
Write a paragraph on your research problem and why are you going to conduct this particular research.
Significance of the Study
Write a paragraph on the significance of your research and how your research is beneficial for humankind or else.
Research Questions/ Objectives
Write your research questions or objectives or both.
Delimitation of the Study
Write a paragraph on the delimitation of your research by telling your research area, the place where you are going to conduct the research or conducted the research, and the delimited specific area in which you will research/ or explore a particular point, etc.
Literature Review
Write 5 to 7 paragraphs on different research with the proper citation.
Research Gap
Write a paragraph telling how your research is different from the other research that has already been done and you have written in your literature review.
Write in brief related to the type of your research, theory/ model, sample, population, sampling technique, sample size, and a particular area. Write in brief that how will you conduct your research or how did you conduct your research.
Data Analysis and Discussion
Write in detail each and everything about your data/ observation/ exploration. Present your results in tables and graphs. Also, discuss the results in detail.
The finding will be written according to the results and the attitudes of the sample etc.
The conclusion will be written according to the findings.
The recommendations will be given according to the conclusions and the research already done in that particular area/ domain/ subdomain etc.
Further Research
You can write a paragraph for the other researchers that want to research in your area. You will write here clearly what has already been done and what have you done and what is left etc.
The references will be written in the following format style like APA, Chicago, etc.
The appendices can also be attached at the end if necessary if you have researched a poem that is not much familiar to everyone then you should attach that poem at the end of your research article.
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