Just as the primary foundation is placed for the erection of any building, so is that the foundation of education erected. Today we'll take a glance at it.

Educational Experts:

Experts base education on four pillars.





Education is an ongoing process that continues consistent with time and environment. Education may be a  human process that thrives on the collaboration of scholars and teachers. Where there's no education, ignorance corrupts society through its evil deeds. Habits like fighting, bloodshed, murder, etc., push society towards degradation. Therefore,  it's been declared necessary to urge an education.  that's why the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Keep on getting knowledge from cradle to grave".
In any society, the curriculum must be such it brings about positive change within the individual and corrects negative habits and character. Education is that the only thing to expiring our economic and cultural values ​​from one generation to subsequent.

Religious Ideology:

In any society, education must be supported religion, because education may be a  means of introducing religious values ​​to future generations and urging them to stay to their ideology.
We are Pakistani and our way of life is additionally supported by religion Islam, our country's educational building should be supported by religious foundations. Education is to be improved in religious values. They​​ must be included in the maximum amount possible.
Allah Almighty said in His first revelation: "Read  within the  name of your Lord Who created."
Therefore, avoid any sort of negligence in getting the education and spread it consistent with the guidance of Allah and His Messenger. Be the source so that you'll be at the top of both religion and therefore the world.

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