Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9



Dream Lovers


For every second of every minute of every hour of every day, there is a soul searching for its' mate. Everyone has a true soul mate and if they are lucky enough, they will find that special person to share their life with. Not a moment goes by without someone finding their other half. For others, they live their lives missing someone that they never even met.

* * *


A young man is driving home late one night after spending time with friends. He turns down a road and sees a car coming his way in the distance. As the car gets closer he sees a small dog dart out onto the road. The approaching car swerves into his lane to keep from hitting it. It happened too quickly for him to do anything. The cars collide head-on into each other. The impact causes him to hit his head on his windshield and he blacks out. A few moments later he awakens and regains his senses. He hurriedly pulls himself free from his car and stumbles toward the car that had just collided with him. As he approaches, he sees a young woman struggling to set herself free from her seatbelt. He pulls the door open and bends down on his knees to help free her from her bonds. She looks at him as the tears flow from her eyes and through a trembling voice, says,” Please help me! I'm stuck and I'm scared. A dog ran out in front of me and I didn't want to hit it.” She keeps crying and continues,” I didn't mean to hit the other car. Is the other driver all right? Please! I've got to know! I didn't hurt anyone did I?” Her struggling makes it harder to free her so he tries to calm her down.” Please quit moving so I can get you lose.” The young man finally frees her from her seatbelt and carefully helps her out of her car. He takes her to the side of the road and helps her sit down on the curb. She looks up at him with tears flowing down her cheeks and repeats,” Did I hurt anyone? Please tell me!” He squats down and takes her hand and looks into her tear soaked eyes and replies,” I was the driver of the other car and as you can see, I am fine. Don't worry about a thing. I saw what happened. If it were I that the dog ran in front of, I would have tried to miss it too. Don't blame yourself. It was just an unavoidable accident. Everything will be fine.” He starts looking all over her and asks, “Are you hurt anywhere? Is anything broken?” She hesitates as if giving herself a quick examination and replies,” Besides a slight headache, I think that I am okay. I must have hit my head on something.” She rubs her head and asks,” How are you? I didn't hurt you did I? Please tell me that you are all right.” He stares at her and notices that, on the other side of her tears and running makeup was a beautiful young woman. In the rush to help her, he hadn't noticed that she was quite pretty. He smiles at her and rubs his head as if mimicking her and replies,” Besides a little headache, I seem to be fine.” He turns and sits next to her and continues,” I guess we made out better than our cars did.” They both sit and stare at their mangled cars, listening to the hissing of the steam as it escaped from the busted radiators making the sound of an old locomotive as it pulled out of the station.

The accident happened in a business section of town and all the places were closed so no one but the small dog saw the accident and he didn't stick around. He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out his cell phone. He looks at her and says,” I hope my phone isn't breaking so we can call for help.” She points at her mangled car and replies,” My phone is in my purse on the front seat. If yours doesn't work, we can use mine.” He smiles and pushes the buttons on his phone. He puts it up to his ear and nods at her and says,” We have airwaves. I'll call 911 and report the accident.”

After he made the call he notices that she is shivering and pulls his jacket off and puts it on her shoulders. She smiles at him and says,” Thank you. You have been so kind to me after all that I have done to you.” She points at his car and continues as her voice began to quiver with sadness, “Look at what I did to your car. I'm so sorry.” He lifts her chin and looks at her as the tears started flowing and softly says, “It's just a car. I can always get a new one.

I'm just glad that we both made it without any major injuries. It is easier to replace a fender than an arm or something.” He looks up at the sky and continues, “The Lord must have been watching over us tonight.”
She stares at him as he is talking and finally sees by the streetlight. He was handsome. She hadn't noticed before. She was too busy being upset to even notice what he looked like. Not only was he her hero for pulling her safely from her car, he was also a perfect gentleman and a kind man; too bad she had to meet him under the circumstances that they were caught in. She was sure that he would probably never want to see her face again.

He holds his hand out to her and laughs, “I guess it is about time that I introduced myself. I am Mathew Sanders.”
She takes his hand and smiles, “Pleased to meet you Mathew, my name is Hannah Stevens.” “My friends call me Mat, Hannah. Please call me Mat. I'm sorry that we had to meet like this;” he replied.

“Yea, it gives a whole new meaning to running in to each other.”

“Are you from around here?”

“Yes, I live over on Oak Street. I have an apartment in the Cedar Oaks Apartments. I am originally from Coos Bay, Oregon but moved here when I graduated from college last year.”

“I graduated from college last year too. What college did you attend?”

“I matriculated at Oregon State where did you go?”

“I went to Southern Cal. I majored in computer science. What was your major?”

She starts laughing and replies,” You've got to be kidding me! I majored in computer science, too. That is just plain weird.”

“Not really, computers are the future. It's where the money is. Everyone is trying to get in on the ground floor.”

“I guess you are right. That's why I took computer courses. Can't get a job without knowing something about computers.”

“Is your family living in town, too?”

“No, I moved here because this is where I got the best job offer. I needed to get out on my own anyways.”

“I just moved out myself. I stayed home as long as I could because I knew that once I was gone, my life would never be the same.

In a way, I miss living with my mom and dad. I miss seeing their smiling faces everyday.”

“You must love them very much.”

“Yes, I do. I still go over for Sunday dinner and catch up on everything. Mom thinks that I just come to do my laundry. I really go because I miss them. I use the laundry as an excuse to be there.”

“I'm sure your mother knows that.”

“She probably does.”

“I try and go see my family whenever I get a chance. If they knew what happened tonight, they would have a conniption. I guess they will find out sooner or later.”

“I am sure they worry about you a lot; you being by yourself and all.”

“Yea, they wanted me to get a roommate but I like my privacy.”

“Can't blame you there, I like my privacy too. I had a roommate in college and he kept the place a mess. I like to keep my place clean. My mom taught me that and now it is just natural for me. I don't like a messy place.”

“I hate a mess too. We seem to be so much alike. It's amazing how much we have in common.”

“I was thinking the same thing. It makes you wonder if tonight wasn't intended to happen.”

“What do you mean? I don't understand.”

“I believe in fate. I think that everything that happens to a person happens for a reason. If it is bad, it's to test your faith. If it is good, it is Gods' way of showing you his love.”

He looks into her eyes and smiles, “Tonight, I think he is showing me his love.”

“How did he do that? We almost got killed in a head - on collision. That's not my idea of love!”

He points at the mangled cars and back to her and replies,” You can see by the damage to the cars, we should be hurt worse than we are. Instead, we are sitting here talking to one another. He saved us for a reason. Maybe he wanted us to meet each other, you know, fate.”

“Well, you do have a point. We should have gotten hurt seriously but we didn't. He must have been watching over us.”

She smiles and stares into his eyes and continues, “Maybe it was fate. Either way, I'm glad that I am sitting with you now even if I lost my car.”

“Me too.”

He notices that she was still shivering. He worried that she might have a slight case of shock. He puts his arms around her to keep her warm.

“Don't worry, the police will be here soon. You'll be home in no time.”

“I'm not worried, I'm just a little cold.”

She pretended to be colder than she really was. She liked the way his arms felt as he held her tight. She lays her head on his shoulder as she rested. She had just met him but it felt so natural for her to be so close to him. It was as if she had known him for a long time. He sat there holding her, feeling the same way.

* * *


As they sit under the streetlight, holding on to each other, they heard the sound of sirens in the distance. He gives her a gentle squeeze and says, “I told you, that it wouldn't be long. We are about to be rescued.” They both just sit and watch as the police and firemen hurriedly pulls up to the wrecked cars. They run up to the cars peering inside looking for injured people. Mat waves at them and yells,” We're over here, officer.” The police officer runs to where they are sitting and yells for a paramedic. He squats down and looks at both of them and asks, “Are you two, okay? Is either one of you injured? Can you tell me what happened?” 
As the paramedic looks over them, Mat explains to the officer what had happened. The officer glanced over to where the cars where all smashed together and replied, “I don't understand why neither one of you isn't seriously hurt. You are both lucky to be alive. Someone must have been watching over both of you.” Mat smiled up at him and replied, “I do believe someone was, officer.”

The paramedic finishes his examination and stands up. He shakes his head and says, “You both seem to be in pretty good shape considering what your cars look like. It's a miracle if you ask me. We still need to take you to the hospital and have you both checked for internal injuries and to have some x-rays taken. You both seem to have some type of head injury, even if you don't think that they are serious, we still need to make sure that you both don't have any internal bleeding.”

Mat stands up and helps Hannah to her feet. “I guess you are right, sir. It won't hurt to make sure. I feel fine but I think that she needs to be looked at to make certain that she is okay.” The paramedic looks a little puzzled and asks, “Do you two know each other or did you just meet?”

Mat smiles and replies,” We just ran into each other but I feel like I have known her for a long time.”
The paramedic shakes his head in bewilderment and waves for a couple of stretchers to be brought over. “I know that you two would rather sat up in the ambulance but I'm afraid that we will have to strap you in for your own safety. We can't take any chances since we don't know if there are any internal injuries.” He takes both of them and makes them lie down on the stretchers. They are put in the ambulances and taken to the hospital.

* * *


After they reached the hospital, they are both rushed in and sent to take test. After the test, both are admitted to the hospital for overnight observation and to wait on the results of their test. They were put on the same floor in rooms that were close to each other. After Mat settles in, he sneaks out and takes a walk to where they had brought Hannah. He knocks on the door and walks in. She is on the phone.

“I'm okay, mom, don't worry so much. I am going to be fine. You don't have to come to the hospital. Please don't drive all the way here. I told you that I am fine. I'm sorry that I made you worry. I didn't want you to find out by TV or something. That's the only reason that I called. I wanted to let you know that I am all right. Please don't worry about me. I am going to be fine.” She hesitated as her mother got a few words in.
“Yes, Mom, they took x-rays and did some other test. I have to stay until the doctors can look at the results. I am sure that everything will come back normal. You go ahead and go back to sleep and I will call you tomorrow. Tell Daddy that I love him. Goodnight mom. I've got to go. I've got company.” She listens and replies, “It's the man that I hit, mom. He came to see me.”

“No, mom, he's not mad at me. He's not here to fuss at me. He is a nice man who came to see how I am doing, that's all. Gotta go, mom. I love you! Good-bye.”

She hangs the phone up and smiles at Mat. He smiles back and walks to the edge of her bed.

“Just came to see how you are doing. How are you feeling?”

“I'm all right. How are you?”

“A little tired, besides that, I'm fine.”

“That was my mom on the phone. I told her not to come but I expect to see her and dad in a few hours. They worry about me too much.”

“You should be happy that they care. If you were my daughter, I would come too.”

“Have you called your parents yet?”

“No, I see no sense in waking them in the middle of the night. I am going to wait and call them in the morning.”
“I was going to wait too but I didn't want them to find out about it by the police or something. It would have scared them.”

“You got a point there. Maybe I should go ahead and give them a call and let them know that I am okay.”

“You can use my phone if you want to, that is unless you need your privacy.”

“I don't have anything to hide from you.”

He grabs the phone and dials it. A few seconds later a sleepy voice says,” Hello.”

“I'm sorry to wake you, mom. I called to let you know that I was involved in a car accident. I am okay, nothing's broke or anything. I just didn't want you to hear from the police first and worry about me.”

He listens to his mom and replies, “I was in a head-on collision with another car.”

“No mom, it was no one's fault. A dog ran out in the road and the other driver tried to miss it and we sort of ran into each other.”

“No mom she isn't hurt either. I am in her room now visiting with her.”

He turns toward Hannah and talks into the telephone,” Yes ma'am. She's about my age, a college graduate, and a nice person.”

He acts like he is studying her and continues, “Well, I would have to say that she is the most beautiful woman that I ever had the pleasure of running in to.”

“I hope you get to meet her too, mom. I'll see you and dad in the morning. I love you, mom. Good-bye, tell Dad not to worry. You too, Mom. Bye.”

He hangs the phone up and Hannah looks up at him and says, “How many women have you had the pleasure of running into like me?” He laughs and replies, “You're the first.” She stares at him and says, “In that case, I would be the prettiest woman that you ever ran into.”

He puts his hand on top of hers and replies,” I was just trying to be humorous with my mom to keep her from worrying so much. What I meant to say was that you are the most beautiful woman that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.”

A tear forms in her eyes as he stares down at her. She reaches and tries to push her hair back. I'm sure you say that to all the women that you meet head-on. I bet you I am a mess.”

He pushes the hair away from her face and puts his hand on her cheek and replies,” You look beautiful to me.” He stares into her eyes for a few seconds and continues,” I don't understand it. I know we have just met but I feel like I have known you for a lot longer.” He pulls his hand away as if he were doing something wrong and says,” I'm sorry if I am being forward with you. Maybe I should go and let you get some rest.”
“She takes his hand and holds it and looks into his eyes and replies, “You're not being forward. I don't know why but I feel the same way. Please stay a while longer.”

He smiles at her and just sits with her as they hold hands. After a few minutes he turns his head toward the door and looks down at her and says, “I've got to go. I hear someone calling me.” She gives him a puzzled look and says,” I didn't hear anyone.” He puts his hand next to her cheek and replies, “I heard someone calling me. I'd better get back to my room before they come looking for me. I'll see you in the morning.” He gets up and walks back to his room to find it empty. He was puzzled. He was sure that he heard someone calling his name. He pushes on the button to call the nurse station and waits for a reply. A few seconds later a voice comes on the speaker, “Can I help you?” “Yes, is anyone looking for me? I thought I heard my name being called while I was visiting Miss. Stevens.” “No sir, all the doctors are gone now. We had no reason to call you.”

He scratches his head and replies, “Sorry to bother you, ma'am.” “That's okay, sir. That's what we are here for. Let me know if you need something.” “I will, ma'am. Good-night.”

* * *


The next morning, Mat gets up early and goes to Hannah's room. He knocks on the door and an older woman opens it. At first he is confused but realizes that it must be Hannah's mother. He smiles at her and says,” Good morning ma'am. I just came by to see how Hannah is doing. I am the one who she ran into last night. She opens the door so Hannah could see who it was and Hannah smiles and says,” Let him in, mom. Don't make him stand out in the hallway.”

As he enters the room, he sees an older man standing next to Hannah's bed. He extends his hand to him and says,” How do you do, Sir. I'm Mathew Sanders. You must be Hannah's father.” Her father takes his hand and defensively says,” The accident last night was unavoidable. I hope that you don't hold my daughter responsible.” Mat smiles at him and glances toward Hannah and replies, “I wouldn't think of blaming Hannah for what happened last night. It was no one's fault, as you said, it was unavoidable. I just came to see how she is doing, that's all.” Mr. Stevens gives a smile of relief and says, “I am glad to hear you say that, son. All she needs is for someone to file a lawsuit against her car insurance. She would be dropped and lose her policy.” Mat replies,” Don't worry, Sir. I wouldn't think of doing something like that. I can't blame her for what happened. If I had to blame anyone it would have to be the little dog that ran out in front of her.” He turns and walks up to Hannah's bed and puts his hand down on hers and asks,” How are you doing today? Have you still got a headache?” She smiles up at him and replies, “I'm doing okay. How are you?” He holds the top of his head and replies, “I still have a slight headache, besides that, I am fine.”

She shakes her head at him and says,” I guess that I still have a trace of a headache.” Her mother stands up and says, “Have you heard from a doctor yet?” Hannah shakes her head in a no motion and replies,” No ma'am, he'll show up sooner or later.” Her mother pushes the call button and waits for a response. A few seconds later a voice comes on the speaker and says, “Can I help you?” She replies,” I would like to know why a doctor hasn't come to see my daughter yet. What is the problem?” The nurse answers back,” He is looking at the results of the test that were done last night, as we speak ma'am. As soon as he is through, he will be in to see your daughter.”

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Her mother opens it to find a doctor standing there. She steps out of the way and allows him to enter the room. Everyone steps back so the doctor can stand next to the bed. He steps up and smiles down at her and then turns and looks at her parents and Mat. As soon as he sees that Mat is in hospital clothes he asks, “Are you Mathew Sanders? I went by his room and no one was there.” Mat replied, “That's me, Doctor.” The doctor smiled and replied, “That's good. I can tell you both at the same time.” He looks back and forth at both of them and says,” Except for a few minor bumps and bruises, you both seem to be fine. I examined both of your x-rays and can't see any abnormalities. Neither of you has any sign of internal bleeding. I can safely say that you both will make a complete recovery.” Mrs. Stevens asks,
“She and this young man both say that they have a headache. Are you sure that there is nothing wrong?” He smiles at her and replies,” Your brain is not used to being jarred in a sudden impact like these two had last night. There isn't much cushion in the head for such things. They are both suffering from a mild concussion. All they need is a little bed rest and a couple of aspirin and the headaches will go away. I assure you that they are both healing as we speak.” She smiles and says,” Thank you, doctor. I am happy to hear that. Her father and I were worried sick about her and I am sure this young man's parents are worried, too.” He turns to walk away and replied, “Your welcome ma'am. I wish that all my patients were as lucky as these two were. I heard that it was quite a wreck.” He walks out the door. As soon as he walks out he sticks his head back in and says,” Mr. Sanders, I think your parents are looking for you.” Mat smiles at him and starts walking toward the door. “Thanks doc.”

He waves good-bye to Hannah and walks out to see his parents in the hallway. He waves and walks toward them. His mother sees him and rushes to him. She puts her arms around him and hugs. His father pats him on his shoulder and asks,” Are you all right, son?” Mat smiles as his mother continues to hug and replies,” Yes Sir, I'm fine. The doctor just told me that all Hannah and I have minor concussions. We are going to be fine.” “That's good, son. You had your mom and me worried.” “Sorry, dad. I didn't mean to scare you and mom.”
His mother finally stops hugging him and pats the side of his face and starts crying. Mat pats her on the back and asks, “Why are you crying, mom. I told you that I was okay.” She chokes back her tears and replies,” We saw the cars. You and that young lady could have been killed. We almost lost you, son.” He hugs her and replies,” Quit crying, I'm right here. There is no reason to cry.” He turns with her and walks them to his room. A while later, he takes them to meet Hannah and her parents.

* * *


Mat and Hannah were released from the hospital and were told to take a few days off from work until their bodies could completely heal. Hannah's parents stayed for a couple days to make sure she was okay and then headed back to Oregon. Mat called her frequently to check on her. As soon as her parents left she picked up the phone and called him.

“Hi, Mat. This is Hannah.”

“Well, hello there Hannah. It's funny that you called. I had the phone in my hand getting ready to call you.”

“Looks like I beat you to it.”

“How are you doing today?”

“I'm doing good. I thought maybe you could come over and we could go to the park and get some exercise.”

“Sounds good to me. I'll be right over.”

“Okay, I'll see you in a little bit. Bye.”


He was happy that she had invited him over. He hadn't seen her in a few days and he missed her. All he could think of was seeing her pretty face again. All he wanted was to be with her. She felt the same way. It was strange that they hardly knew each other but were drawn to each other like magnets. She knew in her heart that he was the one that she had been waiting for all of her life. She only hoped that he felt the same way about her.

She had no reason to worry. He felt the same way. She was the one that he was searching for. He knew it when he stared into her tear soaked eyes on the night of the accident. God had intended for her to come into his life. He believed that with all his heart. They were meant to be together. He pulls up to her apartment complex to find her waiting on her doorsteps. He walks up and holds his hand out to pull her up. They stand and stare into each other's eyes as they continue to hold hands. They were happy to see one another. Both of them felt emptiness when they were apart. Now they felt whole again. He smiles at her and says,” I've missed you.”
“I've missed you too.”

“I know that you might think I'm crazy for saying this but I am going to say it anyway.” He stares into her eyes for a few seconds and then with a little nervousness, “I'm in love with you, Hannah. I know that we haven't known each other long but I know in my heart how I feel about you. I can't help it. I love you!”
She smiles as a tear falls down her cheek. She thought that she was the only one who felt that way. She couldn't help it either. She puts her arms around him as she lays her head on his shoulders and replies,
“I'm in love with you too, Mat. I have been since our accident. I thought that I was the only one who felt that way.”

He pulls her away so he can look into her eyes and smiles,” Are you saying that you love me too?” She laughs and replies, “Yes, Mat, that's what I am saying. I love you!” He takes her in his arms and slowly puts his lips on hers. He felt that if he had to be frozen in time. This was the moment he would pick. He could hold her in his arms forever.

After their embrace, they head to the park. As they walk alone, hand in hand, Hannah feels something.” Ouch! That hurts!” She squats down and grabs her foot.” Mat squats down beside her and asks, “What's wrong?” She looks at him with a grimace and replies,” I felt something stick in my foot!” He helps her sit in the grass and takes her shoe off. He looks at her foot and examines her shoe and replies, “I don't see anything. Maybe you just pinched a nerve or something.” She shakes her head and says, “It felt like something stuck me but now it is gone. I don't know what it was.”

She smiles at him and continues,” My prince can put my shoe back on.” He smiles and bends over and kisses her. He felt like he was a prince when he was with her and she was his princess. He puts her shoe back on and helps her back up. They spend the rest of the day strolling in the park.

* * *


As the days go by, they spend all of their time together. Both of them returned to work but seen each other often. It had been three months since the accident and they were madly in love with each other. Mat finally decided to pop the question to her. He knew that his love for her would last forever and he wanted her to be his wife. He decided to ask her to marry him when they would go for a walk in the park. He wanted it to be where they were at when she called him her prince. He couldn't think of a better spot to ask her. 
He drives to her apartment with the ring in his pocket. He was as nervous as a young schoolboy, asking a girl out for the first time, as he walked with her. As they drew near the spot where he was going to ask her, he felt a little funny and stopped. He turned and looked behind. She gives him a look of confusion and asks, “What's wrong, Mat?”

He shakes his head and replies, “I don't know. I thought I heard someone calling me.” She shakes her head and says, “I didn't hear anything.” She puts her hand on his shoulder and continues,” Are you all right,
Sweetheart. Maybe we should turn back.” He didn't want to spoil what he had planned, even though he felt a little strange. He smiled at her and replied,” I'm fine, darling. Sometimes I hear things. It must be a little residue left over from the accident. Don't worry!” He takes her by the hand and pulls her to get her started in the direction of his favorite spot. They finally reach the spot where he was going to ask her to marry him. He stops and squats down. She nervously smiles down at him and asks, although she knew what he was about to do, “What are you doing, Mat?” He takes her hand and pulls out the ring. For some reason, his head is spinning but he tries to hold on. “Will you please marry me? I want you to be in my life forever. I love you with all my heart and soul!” He slides the ring on her finger and waits for an answer. Before she could answer, darkness surrounded him. He couldn't see her anymore. He didn't know what was going on. He was totally confused. It was like he was walking in a thick fog and couldn't see anything. He saw a light in the distance and slowly walked toward it. The fog lifted as he opens his eyes to see a strange face looking down at him. “The strange face smiles in excitement and runs to the door and yells,” He's awake! Someone get the doctor! He's awake!” He didn't know what was going on. Why was he in a hospital bed? Where was he? Where was Hannah? He wanted to see Hannah. His mother comes rushing into the room with tears flowing down her cheek. She runs to his bed as the tears flowed and put her arms around him.” My baby has come back to me! We missed you so much, darling! We didn't think you would ever come back to us! It's a miracle! My baby's back!” 
Mat was totally confused. What in the world was going on? He wanted to know where Hannah was. He takes his mother's arms and holds them so he can look at her and asks,” What are you talking about, mom? I haven't gone anywhere. I was with Hannah and now I am laying here. What's going on? Where is Hannah? I want to see Hannah!”

Before his mother could answer him, a doctor comes rushing into the room. He goes up to Mat and smiles down at him. “Welcome back, Mr. Sanders. I have been waiting for this day to come. I never gave up hope. All you needed was for time for your brain to heal itself. How are you feeling, son?” Mat was totally confused and asked,” What are you talking about doctor? I haven't been anywhere! Where is Hannah? I need to see Hannah!”

The doctor turns to his mother as if asking whom this Hannah was. His mother shrugs her shoulders and says, “I don't know who this Hannah is.” The doctor looks down at him and replies, “Hannah is not here right now but I am sure that she will come to see you soon.” His mother smiles down at him and says, “You have been gone from us for a long time. Maybe this Hannah person was one of the nurses that took care of you.” He was still totally confused and asks, “Why do you keep saying that I have been gone? I haven't gone anywhere. I have been with Hannah. I don't know what going on!” The doctor gives him a reassuring smile and replies,
“Mr. Sanders, you have been in a car accident. You have been in a coma for three months. You finally woke up from your coma a few minutes ago. It is common for you to be confused. I assure you that you will return to normal in a short period of time. You just need a little therapy to get your strength back. We will have you on your feet in no time.”

Mat couldn't believe what he was hearing. It couldn't be true. How could it all be a dream. He had met Hannah and they were in love with each other. She just couldn't be a dream.” He looks up at the doctor with tears running down his cheek. “What happened to the person that I ran into. Where is she? I need to know where Hannah is. Please tell me!” His mother gave him a look of confusion and replied, “How did you know that it was a woman that you hit? You were both unconscious when you both were pried from your cars. You couldn't have possibly met her.” He takes her hand and squeezes it and says,” What happened to her mom?” She looks into his tear soaked eyes and replies, “She was here at this place for a while but her parents had her transferred to another state. I can't remember which.” He replies, “She was brought back to her home state of Oregon. 
That's where her parents live.” His mother is completely puzzled and asks,” How would you know that son? You have never even met her.” He is completely heartbroken but answers,” Her name is Hannah Stevens. She lived at the Cedar Oaks Apartments on Oak Street. Her parents are Henry and Patricia Stevens. They live in Coos Bay Oregon.” He feels desperate to find out about Hannah and pleads with his mother, “Could you please check for me to see if what I am saying is true? I know it wasn't just a dream, mom. I love her and she loves me. I was asking her to marry me when I woke up here! I've got to know how she is doing. I will never ask you to do anything else if you do this for me. I have to find her! Please do it for me, mom.” 
She could see the desperation in his eyes.

He truly believed what he was saying was true. How could it be true? It had to be just a vivid dream and nothing else. She didn't like to see him so upset so she replied, “I'll tell you what, son. You promise me that you will do as the doctor says and I will get your father to check to find out what happened to the young lady that you are talking about. Have we got a deal?” He hugs her with a little hope in his heart and replies,” I'll do whatever it takes. I have to find her. I love her!”

* * *


Mat's father was happy to see his son was awake again. After talking with him, he promised to check and find out what happened to the young lady that was involved in the wreck. Like his mother, he found it hard to believe what Mat was saying. How could it be true? Mat had been in a coma for the entire time that he said that he was with her. Surly, all that it could possibly be was a vivid dream and nothing more. He knew that nothing would come of it but he promised his son that he would check so he had to keep his promise. 
As he went over the accident report he was surprised to find out that the young lady involved in the accident was named Hannah Stevens. It also shocked him to find out that she had an apartment on Oak Street just like Mat said she would. It was getting stranger by the minute. He was surprised to find out that there was a family in Coos Bay, Oregon named Stevens and they had a daughter in a private hospital that took care of coma patients. He decides to drive the distance there and have a talk with her parents.

When he arrived at the hospital, he asked where the Stevens patient was. The nurse looked up at him and asked,” Do you mean?

Hannah Stevens? He affirmed that she was the one that he wanted to see and was showed where her room was. The nurse knocked on the door and stuck her head in. Hannah's mother was sitting next to her daughter who was lying in a coma. “Mrs. Stevens, I have a gentleman out here who would like to come in and visit with Hannah and you. Do you mind if he comes in?” Her mother was a little puzzled at seeing a stranger wanting to see her daughter and asked, “Who is he? What does he want?” Mr. Sanders nudged into the room and answered,” My name is Paul Sanders, ma'am. I am the father of the young man that your daughter was in the accident with. I don't know how but he believes that he knows your daughter and wanted me to find out about her.” He hesitates and continues, “Would your name happen to be Patricia and would your husband's name be Henry?” She gives him a curious look and replies, “Yes it is. How did you know that?” Mr. Sanders was beginning to believe that there was indeed something strange going on. He walks up to where Hannah is lying asleep and looks down at her and replies, “My son believes that he and Hannah, somehow connected while he was in a coma. He is the one who told me where to find her. He couldn't have possibly known anything about her because he has been in a coma since the accident. He just came out of his coma a couple of days ago and all he wants is to find Hannah.” He shrugs his shoulders and continues, “I know that you think that what I am saying is crazy but he did know where she was and who she was. He even told me that he met you and your husband. I really don't know what else to say.” Mrs. Stevens gives him a serious look and asks, “Could his name possibly be Mathew and he is called Mat?” Now it was his turn to be shocked.
He replied, “Yes ma'am it is. How could you know that?” She replied, “Well, I could tell you that I got it off of the accident report and the insurance papers but I would be lying.” She glances over to her daughter and back to him and continues, “The truth is that day before yesterday she opened her eyes momentarily and spoke for the first time in three months.

All she said was, “Mat, where are you? Please tell me where Mathew is.” By the time the doctor came into the room, she was back in a coma. Now all she does is toss and turn as if something is bothering her.”
Mr. Stevens stands and watches Hannah sleep. He could see why his son would fall in love with her. She was a beautiful young lady. He turns and asks Mrs. Stevens, “When my son is well enough, can I bring him here to visit her? I know he will want to see her for himself.” She wipes a tear from her eye as she holds Hannah's hand and replies,” If he wants to see her, I will allow it. I find it hard to believe your story but she did ask where he was. Maybe it will do her some good to hear his voice.” She starts crying and continues,” I want my baby to wake up! I am willing to try anything. Tell your son to come as soon as he is able to.'' He pats her on the shoulder to console her and replied, “I will do that ma'am. I will be praying for your family. The Lord does work in mysterious ways. Anything is possible with his grace and love. Maybe we will have a second miracle soon.” He turns to leave and says as he walks out, “I hope to see you and your daughter real soon. God bless you, ma'am.” He walks out the room and heads back to see his son.

* * *


Mr. Stevens walks into Mat's room to find him and his wife together. He sat down and told them about his trip. Mat cries and says, “I knew that it was more than a dream. I was with her and she was with me.” He grabs his father arm and looks into his eyes and continues,” I've got to see her, dad! I need to see her before it is too late!” His father replies, “Son, you are way to weak to even think about a trip right now. You need to take therapy and build your strength up before you go.” Mat shakes his head and replies,” Either you take me or I will drag myself out of this hospital and take a cab there. I've got to see her, dad! Please take me!” Mr. Stevens puts his hand on Mat's shoulder and replies, “I'll go tell the doctor that I will be taking you somewhere. I'm sure that he won't like it but I'll tell him that you insist and I don't have no choice.” Mat grabs him and puts his arms around him as he cries, “Thanks, dad.

Please hurry!” 

Mr. Sanders leaves and returns a few minutes later with a wheelchair. He looks at Mat and says,” The doctor said that he will allow you to leave if you promise to stay in this thing until you regain your strength.” Mat holds his hands out so he could be helped into the wheelchair. He was happy. He was going to see Hannah once again. They put him in the car and head to Coos Bay, Oregon. The trip was pure agony for Mat. The scenery went by as if in slow motion. It seemed like ages since he left town to go to Coos Bay. He also wondered what would happen when he got there. He was terrified that he would never be with Hannah again.
The thought made a tear form in his eye. He turned his head to keep his parents from seeing his sadness. He closed his eyes and prayed that everything would turn out.

* * *


The car finally pulls up to the hospital. Mat pulls himself from the car and plops down into the wheelchair. His father pushes him to the room where Hannah lies in a coma. He knocks on the door and Hannah's mother opens it. She looks down at Mat and says,” You must be Mat.” She bends down and hugs him. He recognized her. She was just as she appeared in his dream. “It's nice to see you again, Mrs. Stevens,” he said. She straightens up and looks down at him and asks,” When did we meet, young man? I don't remember meeting you before.” He smiles at her and replies,” It's hard to explain, ma'am. Can I see Hannah please?” She steps aside as his father pushes him into the room. He pushes him next to her bed so he can see her clearly.
Mat sits and stares at her and starts to cry.

He turns to look at the rest of them and says,” It's her, dad! It's really her! I have found her!” He reaches and takes her hand in his. He pulls himself up so he can look down at her. He bends over and puts his head next to hers and whispers into her ear, “I'm here Hannah. I'm right next to you. I love you and I will never leave you again.” Everyone stood watching with tears flowing down their faces. How could this be real? He squeezes her hand and continues,” I'm here, Hannah. Please open your eyes and look at me. Don't leave me alone. I need you! Please open your eyes.”

As he lay next to her, a tear forms in her eye and slowly falls down her cheek. Suddenly, she starts to move. She squeezes his hand. Everyone watched as she slowly opens her eyes. She turns to see Mat staring back into her eyes. Mat cries as he puts his arm across her. She stares deeply into his eyes and asks, “Where have you been? I have been looking for you. We were walking in the park and you just disappeared. I have been looking all over for you!” He holds her close as he cries and replies,” I'm sorry that I left you, darling.

I promise that I will never do it again. We will always be together.” She lifts her left arm slowly into the air, although it was hard, and looked at her fingers. She turns and looks at him and asks,” Where is the ring that you put on my hand. I haven't lost it have I?” He laughs and replies,” No darling, you haven't lost it. I took it off for safe keeping.” She looks into his eyes and smiles,” By the way, the answer is Yes, I will marry you.” Everyone stood with their mouths open and tears flowing as they watched everything that happened. They had to admit that a miracle had just taken place.

The End

* * *


After a few weeks of physical therapy, Mat and Hannah regained their strength and she moved back to her apartment. They continued taking walks in the park where they strolled in their dream. A few months later they were married. Their souls had found each other and they would always be together. Love has no boundaries. You just have to believe that if you can't find it, one day, it will find you.


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