The Acculturation Model is one of the theories of second language acquisition proposed by John Schumann in 1978. The process of acculturation was defined by Brown as “the process of being adapted to a new culture” which involves a new orientation of thinking and feeling on the part of an L2 learner. According to Oxford Learners’ Dictionary, acculturation is the process of learning to live successfully in a different culture; the process of helping somebody to do this. In other words, it stands for assimilation or digestion to a different culture, typically the dominant one.


The acculturation Model came into light by the practical study of Schumann on the non-English learners. This process of acculturation may impact both social and psychological well-being that is acquired by learners from infancy. Some social and psychological factors have been prescribed by Schumann for acquiring second language by applying Acculturation Model.


The Social Factors: The prescribed social factors which are as follows.

Social Dominance: This is the first and foremost factor in which political, cultural and economic differences are limned to create an equal social link between the Target Language Community (TLC) and Second Language Community (L2C).

Integration Pattern: This is one of such social factors that assures integrated connection with learners and TLC in which sufficient contacts are established to acquire second language.

Enclosure: According to Schumann, this social factor will vanish all kind of social barriers between TLC and L2C in the way of L2 acquiring by sharing social facilities such as schools, churches, language clubs etc.

Cultural Congruence: Cultural congruence or similarity confirms the learning environment comfortable and easy because when the two cultures are similar, there is no gap of communication between TLC and L2C groups.

Attitude Factor: This is one of the most important social factors of Acculturation Model. Positive attitude of the groups to each other is a must for L2 acquisition like breath for life.

Miscellaneous Social Factors: Some other social factors are size factor. Cohesiveness and intended length of residence which also play a vital role to create a friendly social environment for L2 acquiring. Thus, social factors remove bad surroundings TLC and L2C for the purpose of L2 acquisition.


The psychological factors are related to affective in nature. These factors which influence psychological distance are:

Motivation: Motivation is inevitable for L2c. Schumann argues that without motivational reasons for language learning no learner can be able to be interested in SLA. Acculturation Model helps the L2 learners to remove psychological drawbacks and distance through representation the value of TL.

Language Shock: Language shock stands for psychological doubt and confusion as to using TL. So, Schumann suggests that language shock must be overcome to achieve L2.

  Cultural Shock: Cultural shock refers to mental stress, fear and anxiety as a result of entering a new culture. Here by this factor Schumann means to say that if it is not conquered, rejection may happen in case of L2 picking up.


Though there is a slight criticism of Acculturation Model, Schumann has made a great contribution to the theories of Second Language Acquisition by providing suffice information about social and psychological since they are the main impediments in the way of picking up L2.


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